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Dream Dictionary:V字開頭

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Dream Dictionary:V字開頭


Dream Dictionary:V字開頭

Vacation Rest or relaxation. Freedom. Looking for a change or maybe some adventures.
Vaccination Immunity. Protection. Afraid of something.
Vacuum You are in a state of emptiness. Loss control.
Valley Life. Protection. Growth. Feeling conformable with the present situation.
Vampire Extortionist. Bloodsucking. You fear your own feelings.
Vase Display. Holding feelings.
Vegetables Health. Good nourishment. Natural. Need to be more down to earth.
Vehicles Transportation. Movement. Looking for a medium to get where you want to be.
Veil Screen. Secrecy. Mystery. Privacy. You are hidden from something.
Velvet Smoothness. Luxury. Feeling vulnerable in your life..
Veteran Experience. Knowledge. You will survive a conflict.
Volcano Ejection. Release. Seeking to clear repressed material of your unconscious.
Volunteer Free will. Initiative .Intentionally looking for change without a guarantee of reward.
Vomiting Discharge. Release. Need to throw up thoughts and feelings that upset you.
Voyeurism Safe distance from desires. Fear of being discovered.
Vulnerable Unprotected. Penalties. Need for a safe position or control over something.

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