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Dream Dictionary:N字開頭

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Dream Dictionary:N字開頭


Dream Dictionary:N字開頭

Naked Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions.
Nap Relaxation. Easy. Unaware of imminent danger or trouble.
Needle Piercing. You are ready to get to the point somewhere in your life.
Neighbor Fellowship. Work on community. Ready to join others in a project.
Nephew Family. Extension of yourself.Fresh blood. You want to start again on an old relationship.
Nest Secluded space. Safety. Domestic happiness.
New Year Change. Time. Ready for a new start.
Night Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate.
Nightmare Horrifying event. Frightening condition.
Nun Chastity and obedience. Ask yourself where do you want to be more helpful.

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